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Here are some handy websites and links which have been produced by various amazing people.

There are toolkits available to help answer the question; what do we do now? 

We have seen the evidence that says incivility negatively impacts patient care, so what can we do when we see it, experience it, or recognise it in our team or our department.


NHS England Civility and Respect Toolkit

Toolkit produced by NHS England supporting Civility.


Follow the link here or click the image to be taken to the site.

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Sherwood's Civility Learning and Sharing Toolkit

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust held a virtual ICS Civility Learning and Sharing event in September 2021. They created a useful PDF Toolkit that has been shared with us.​​


View the file here or click the image to be taken to the PDF.

Sherwood toolkit.png
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Learning from Excellence

A team of amazing people who have been capturing and studying peer – reported excellence in healthcare since 2014.


This site is a source of open – access resources and ideas to promote this initiative and share experiences.


Follow the link here or click the image to be taken to the site.

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Royal College of Physicians - How to respond to incivility

The RCP have written a piece on how to respond to incivility, including a PDF Toolkit â€‹


Follow the link here or click the picture to be taken to the site

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Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Anti-Bullying Resource

The RCSED have produced an extensive resource for anti-bullying on their website, including Toolkits and e-Learning resources.​


Follow the link here or click the picture to be taken to the site

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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Civility Toolkit

The RCOG have compiled an extensive PDF Toolkit to help address Incivility in the Workplace and is well worth the read. Penny was involved in contributing to this piece of work.


Follow the link here or click the picture to be taken to the site

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Gathering of Kindness

Gathering of Kindness is an organisation created by Mary Freer and Dr Catherine Crock focusing on the direct correlation between organisational negativity and staff wellbeing and effectiveness. 


The Gathering of Kindness aims to redress this by building, nurturing and instilling a culture of kindness throughout the healthcare system.


Follow the link here or click the image to be taken to the site.

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CSS Manchester University NHS FT Civility Toolkit

The amazing folk over at CSS Manchester have created their own PDF Toolkit to consider incivility through four different lenses and what to do for each:

- I have witnessed incivility

- I have experienced incivility

- Building civil cultures in my team

- Am I rude or uncivil?


Follow the link here or click the picture to view the file.

CSS Civility toolkit thumbnail.jpg
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Downloadable Resources

This PDF contains a high definition copy of the main overview infographic of the Impact of Incivility

Amanda Oates, executive director of workforce at Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust presented at a Respect and Civility Event in May 2021 discussing A Just Culture, and the work they do regarding respect and civility in the workplace.

This PDF contains a toolkit produced by the NHS for creating a respectful and civil culture

Raising awareness of incivility within healthcare through the use of lectures and workshops. Exploring the effects rudeness and inapproachability has on patient outcomes. Disseminating the literature and research through these talks, which demonstrates how incivility affects resilience and how a lack of social support can impede effective team working and diminish staff and student satisfaction within the clinical and practice learning environments.


Civility Saves Lives is a self funded, collaborative project with a mission to promote positive behaviours and share the evidence base around positive and negative behaviours

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